Cooking pots

Amongst all kinds of cookware, clay pots are considered most healthy utensils for cooking all kind of food. Various reasons are discussed in detail here.
The type of clay that we use to make cookware and the baking process itself is different than the table ware and serve ware category. This is done to ensure these pots can endure the fire and cook food evenly. The clay pots in this category can be used in microwave as well. Heat of oven mostly increases rapidly. Also in several recipes it is required to keep the cookware in a preheated oven. As clay pots cannot sustain rapid increase and decrease in temperatures we do not recommend our cookware for ovens.
Once baked these pots are scrubbed well at different stages of drying process so that all the deep pores are sealed and the pots can be used for cooking again and again...
We have two types of clay cookware. Artist pieces are the ones that are made by professional potters. Tribal clay pots are made exclusively in tribal areas of western India. These potters have been doing pottery since ages but have never been recognized for their skills. Though these pieces may not look as finished and beautiful as the artistic ones but they are the only ones that can go on high flame gas stove. We have been using them and can tell you that these are the best ones.